Hey, what can we do for you?

BIG NEWS: Comments are enabled! And I have some questions for you…

  1. How can The Cathedral Project better serve you? Here are some possibilities (post in the comments!):

    • Is there a topic or a guest you’d like to have on the Ground Podcast? A guest?

    • Are you interested in more written content?

    • Need more support on starting your own Ground gathering? Have we missed anything?

  2. Are you more interested in written content? Video? More Ground episodes? (All of the above?)

  3. Do you follow anyone on Patreon or Substack, and if so, which do you think would be better for our endeavor?

  4. Any other feedback?

You can use a numbered format for your answers in the replies below. We want to help you and be the best support possible for you on your deconstruction/reconstruction faith journey.



William Collier

Everything is ever changing.


7. The Golden Calf


6. Sinai (a poem)