• That’s ok. It’s only just now starting to take shape for us, too. Let’s call it a spiritual thought movement. It’s a collective of spiritually minded people building a new grassroots community all over the world to replace traditional church attendance. Practices, community efforts, curated events, podcasts, arts and media, and Guide Sessions are the practical ways this movement is made real.

  • A little. The Cathedral Project is not a non-profit. Right now our staff is extremely small and is on a strictly contractor basis. Funds will mostly come from Podcast sponsors, Patreon (coming soon) and our Rent-a-Guide Sessions. The base, grassroots, “Ground” level of The Cathedral Project will always be free to all. More importantly, The Cathedral Project will never appeal to guilt, prosperity gospel rhetoric, or superstitious reasoning to receive money. There is real value in what we offer, and money is just energy. We have no problem accepting that energy in return for the energy we put out through our art and our “ministerial” efforts.

  • It’s a funny question, but we take it seriously. The quick answer is NO. We still believe in Christ; it’s the bible and the institutional church, specifically, where we diverge most from mainstream Christian culture. We have heard the classic doctrinal defenses and many of them just do not satisfy honest, intellectual probing. Still, we would emphasize that doctrine and theology are not where we wish to spend our time and energy. Put simply, we are (generally) no longer interested in partaking in church community life. We offer free ways to fill the void left by its absence and we shine the light of realization onto the fact that if you find yourself in this new faith space, you are not alone.

  • The Cathedral Project carries inside it an ideal: “the work of the people” should govern the modalities of human life. Governments, Religions, and -Isms of all shapes and forms come from common belief and practice. If we see real problems with any establishment, it is the work of the people (you could say “the work of God through the people”) which leads to lasting solutions, placing practices higher on our list of priorities than belief itself. Our agenda is lasting change.

  • This is a myth birthed in superstition and fear. Meditation is not only safe, it is highly beneficial and has been scientifically proven to be so. The burden of proof is not upon us for that claim; the topic is well studied, and the proof abundant.

  • That’s an excellent question. Not everyone involved in The Cathedral Project is going to call themselves a Christian. The term is not so easily defined and the connotations in today’s culture are not entirely the same as they were at Christianity’s inception. Many predominant “Christian” personalities today display character completely antithetical to the teachings of Jesus Christ. While we may not be “christian” in the eyes of some, it’s possible we’re more christian than the church or individuals you have in mind. We just follow the way of Christ, echoed across the world's religions.

  • The Cathedral Project does not have a central location at this time. The project is a movement loosed on the world, carrying the simple idea that “where two or more are gathered”, there Christ is also. Christ in you, the hope of glory, is not some fairy tale or some hard to reach ideal. Christ is alive in you, waiting for you to pick up your cross and follow him to the hill where your ego can be crucified and reborn in service to the higher self—to Christ. That is where The Cathedral Project is located: at death to the false self, and rebirth into the kingdom of heaven within you.