2. “Jacob Collier”

Ever heard of that guy?

The majority of you who know the name probably discovered him via his viral videos showcasing his amazing musical talent. He composes mind blowing vocal arrangements with harmonies like you’ve never heard before. Or maybe you’ve heard of him because of his prowess as a multi-instrumentalist, playing with the likes of Lizzy McAlpine, Brandi Carlile, Shawn Mendes, and even the incomparable Snarky Puppy. Shit, y’all…he won a Grammy.

And he deserves it. He’s sensational.

But if you read all of that and you’re confused by it, you’re in the minority. Why?

Maybe because it’s the name you once called me.

Let me back up.

Ever since I was very young, I knew that music was my first love. I have a core memory of listening the the melody coming from the music box inside a little wind-up stuffed unicorn and being touched so deeply I welled up with tears. I was about 4 years old.

Guitar became my passion around the time I turned 12. I could not stop learning and practicing. I got really good. By the time I was 17 you could sit me in a session with just about anybody and I’d have something valuable to contribute across many genres. I was a pursuer of guitar tone with a holy dissatisfaction. I played lead and rhythm with equal proficiency and intuition. I could compose compelling melodies and arrangements on the spot.

I really thought I was going places.

Well. If you know my story, you know those plans got waylaid by a rude awakening. My wife and I accidentally started a family very young. I had to put my guitar on the shelf and work to provide for my family, and that’s a really difficult thing to do for an enneagram 4—a hopeless romantic and idealist, and an artist to the core. But, hey…you do what you’ve got to do.

One day, in the middle of a very dark time in my life navigating the quagmire of an identity crisis, I got a text message from someone asking me if I knew I was blowing up on YouTube.

“No,” I said. I knew nothing of it.

Because it wasn’t me.

Someone out there with MY NAME was making music and going viral. And to make matters worse, they were really good. Better than me. There was no way this Jake Collier was going to ever live up to the name and glory of that Jacob Collier.

At least, that’s how it felt.

But you know what? As painful as that was for a while, I can see now it was a path toward healing. I can honestly say this was one of the final straws that broke my ego and led me to the most profound season of self discovery and spiritual awakening I have ever experienced.

  • What’s in a name? I was still me, and I still had something valuable to bring to the world.

  • If everything that I think makes me “me” were to disappear, who (or what) would I then be?

  • My work is far from finished, and I am more multi-faceted than I ever realized.

  • I choose to glory in the success of Jacob Collier, a fellow musician and human being with incredible talent.

So, friends, if you knew me in a former life as Jake Collier, your confusion is now officially resolved.

(Jacob is my middle name, anyway.)


William Collier

Everything is ever changing.


3. Morals


1. Rebuild Ancient Walls